Apple Fritters

Last night we made apple fritters with fritter mix and apple butter from the Apple Barn. It was deeeelicious.


John asked if I wanted help making them, and I quickly replied yes. Thank goodness he offered, because without his help these fritters would’ve been frotters. (not to be confused with the urban dictionary definition of “frotters”)

He takes his time when he cooks—like a true southerner—never rushing, always patient. I, on the other hand, am a northerner at heart..and want things done now. Or five minutes ago. This can be a detrimental mindset in the kitchen (I tend to undercook things :/).

When my best-friend-from-college, Lauren, came to visit me a few weeks ago, we ventured up to the always-busy-with-millions-of-tourists Pigeon Forge. We ate at the Apple Barn, which is my favorite favorite place in Pigeon Forge. They serve you FREE apple fritters, apple butter and apple julep. YUM. The combination of warm apple fritters with chilled apple butter is indescribably delicious. Again, I am not a very fruity-dessert type of person..but dang..these sure hit the spot.


from left to right: apple fritters, apple butter, apple julep

So naturally I had to buy some apple fritter mix and apple butter from the Apple Barn General Store after brunch with Lauren. I am a little surprised that I actually waited a whole month to make these babies at home.

Thanks to John’s help and patience in the kitchen, these fritters turned out PERFECT. Deep golden brown, cake-y insides, sprinkled with a bit of powdered sugar. Spoon some apple butter onto those bad boys and you are instantly in fritter heaven. Amazing.


We totally ate the ENTIRE JAR of apple butter with only ¼ of the fritter mix. Uh-oh. I guess this means that we will just need to make another trip to the Apple Barn ASAP so we can get more apple butter to go with the remainder of the fritter mix 😉




love her 🙂

2 thoughts on “Apple Fritters

  1. Hey honey – I think your blog entries are really neat, however it’s not a good idea to read about the apple fritters and dumplings when you’re starving! lol, Love you!!

  2. Pingback: Apple Fritter Cake Review | Night Owl Kitchen

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